'Rosemarie's Smile

This is a blog for the sake of expressing it all!

Location: Staten Island, New York, United States

I am the fifth child of a plumber and his wife a civil servant

Monday, August 14, 2006

Believe in me, and not all you see. Believe what I say is true, believing I love you.

Believe who I am. Believe where I stand; believing it’s all or it’s not.

Believe there are no masters. Believe you and I are free; believing in possibility.

Believe sooner, not later. Believe to witness

is to receive; believing never give up, never stop.

Believe what is out of hand.

Believe we are not deceived; believing expound the virtues of The One [56]: Truth and Faithfulness.

(Note: This poem is of particular sentiment to me. At one of my lowest moments, it was the only poem I took with me when I left home for a long hospital stay).

Annotated in The Flowering Age Copyright 1998-2005.


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