'Rosemarie's Smile

This is a blog for the sake of expressing it all!

Location: Staten Island, New York, United States

I am the fifth child of a plumber and his wife a civil servant

Thursday, September 07, 2006

ON HUNGER - ALL KINDS - circa 1997

If all were fed and could read and work at some task, however menial, man would be satisfied, as you know well. It's all accomplished a lot easier than one would think at first glance. Births and deaths are usually known to locals or reported so we have some data. Lets start with what we do have; then speculate with what we could have if we were to try something old in a new way: problem solving with compassion. This is not niavete or Pollyanna, this is not a dream, this is a challenge put to the modern man, who has the means, know how and opportunity.

A cencus itself is not always accurate because of unreported income, illegal aliens and underground economies and people who say things that are not exactly accurate or are simply too complicated to explain. For example, if you were born at home, never went to the doctor or school, most people dont know you; you do exist but someone is feeding and educating you about life and customs and things of that nature "off the record." If the goal of feeding the world were nt to inquire, but to nourish in every respect: physically, emotionally, educationally, socially & C, we would be a humane world, not just a world where humans struggle with their values' systems and sense of purpose.

So I propose: you must feed everyone, but like The Good, Wise, John Smith said, "..If you don't work, you don't eat.." (We are excluding the disabled and incapacitated, those incapable of any kind of work). This provides that those whom are not on record, can come forward without fear, or remain "on their own."

In the USA we are overweight, stressed and generally unhealthy, but there is no logical reason for this other than the indulgences of luxury and comfort; some of us eat five or more times a day. We also know well others get a bowl of something our pup would push away once per day. So if there are and there are the oeple with the longevity whom are living to an average age of eighty-five - at the optimum body weight, whom get the right amount of excercise and eat the perfect diet, why are we continuing on this suicide mission???

We need to study and learn and start making adjustments, simply start eating what they are, doing things they do - learn from the wise. Conversely, if some are so frail that a good meal would make them sick all necessary resouces should be provided - immediately. Doctors have to train somewhere, don't they? These persons need more calories like high protein diets and fish.

Treat the very thin, the very fat, the very old and the very young first; they are the high risk priority group; they are closest to slipping away; people starving in third world countries should be treated and fed like those here who apear the same way for behavioral reasons. Additionally, in countires where beef, pork and meat in general are not eatten it should be redistributed, but not by best price since they have not use for a naturally occurring plenitude.

Countries similiarly that are agricultural, don't need to worry, because they may sell less pork, beeft etc, but ehy will still sell a lot more produce if people everywhere would just co-op; get the vegetarians to bargain with the carnivors, not war with them. If more people everywhere were eatting more produce and fish there could be some problems, but not ones that could not be overcome; we've attempted farming fish and succeeded; there is only so much land, but there are greenhouses too.

My uneducated opinion, a novice having taken only one course in economics, is that a disproprtunate number of people are living off of limited resources in centers for living becase of jobs; this is changing because of technology and the availability of jobs - anywhere and cultural wishes.

Lets say the college grad who has the job, house, car, but has never been anywhere would like to go somewhere - finally! They should go! The city kids to the rural areas and vice versa; an "in house" exchange program; this expands the mind even 'though people are the same all over. WHAT? (Every country should do this, people all over the world should have "cultural exchange programs"; solely for the purpose of the experience of having lived, worked and known another place, time and speed. You might not expect what I'm about to write either: "Like minded" people should travel together and stick together throughout the voyage.
Adults make their own arrangements and are responsible for their own well being.

The issue of "Food" involved is this: Food for the Body, mind and Spirit."
This can be food for the mind of an indiv. from a developed country or the workers of a developing country. NOW WE MOVE TO THE MORE SAD STORY THE


Any race, for instance, have the African woman, with children and a short life to live see america, share her culture with a willing American Family. Let them be sponsored by our government to teach and share about their heritage and make a contribution to this great (still hot) "melting pot." (Or was that a lie?)

They can go to Hollywood, The Empire State Building or The Statue of Liberty, and they can show us worlds we never knew. These are the kind of UN Social Programs that would change the world; dignitaries do their job well, but the enccylopedia and one vacation a year for forty years isn't much in comparison to a cultural competency in every neighborhood, school, and city throughout the nation. We are now more advanced, we won't be under-cutting each other for work, dispising those who arrive at the same time and in the middle of an industrial explosion; our explosion is techology; techology can take place anywhere; the former no longer has any implications or ramifications on a "cultrual explosion!"

People ask me what I am, I say I'm American; they say, "From where?" I say 'Irish and a little bit English.' Some sneer and say, "Oh, your English?" I say, "Yeah."
I consider myself a culturally competent diversity trained American, but only because of my diverse work experience; I've been lucky; no everyone else is.


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