'Rosemarie's Smile

This is a blog for the sake of expressing it all!

Location: Staten Island, New York, United States

I am the fifth child of a plumber and his wife a civil servant

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

ON BEHAVIOUR - circa 1997

Beauty may be the one gift you must one day give back, but true beauty lives beyond youth. It is what the deaf hear . Beauty is alive and availabe if we just but look or inquire

As fo knowledge, it is found whever we go all those we meet are our teachers; be they wise, brilliant or challenged. A true and beautiful love is selfless and seeks nothing in return. It never fails us. Joy is a beautiful knowledge whwere selflessness is always returned. Even when all are all alone, a stranger will come and give some kind word of encouragement. These are the rewards of the diligent and faithful.

Some have said that we have unknowingly entertained angels. I say that each of us are angels in the making and that this life is merely the boot campt for angels in the making. This is our proving ground. The place where love vs. chaos and love always wins. People who seem "less good" are merely working on rounding off their sharp edges. Persons who try to love all, cannot, but that is not excuse not to try. Watch not what people say; instead watch what they do. Listen to the words they choose; question them about their goals. Be friends with like persons , not popular ones.

Never concern yourself with trying to find out people's business; let them tell you what they wish. Always be willing to learn and re- learn. Assume there are things you missed along the way. Humility will save you from the devices of those who are "less good." They can never trick you; your questions and their clues to you will tell you what they are all about. A crimina, a villan, a person who is "less good" will let you know. They free themselves this way of all guilt and obligation to you.

A sense of entitlement is a child who is still crying and being left unattended. Blme schemes and attempts to deceive are really their confession of who they are and what their values are. Rehabilitation fo rthose who are challenged, criminal, substance abusers, or abusive is a lifes work. Often it takes a lifetime to get that way, and change will not happen just because the person is now willing and compliant.

Sorrow is a natural eent, but w/o sorrow and the knowledge of true losses there is no healing, no growtn no compassion and no tur understanding. When we fall back to past behaviours, or live as though "life is nothing if not enjoyed," we miss a valuable point: meaning; meaning is what separates us fromt he perpetual ife of being a child, from being a very smart monkey and from attaining progress.

A disease is not just something you die from; a disease is something that takes the shine out of your eyes. It allows you to ony be just like everyone elese, who fails, suffers, succeeds, dreams and not a champion of the spirit.

We must also seek to create. a creation of art, or business of intellect is our manufacturing; our products are the model T, the airplane and the space ship. THerefore, there must needs be a Masterful God Creator. There is no other explanation for why we are unrepeatable, oringinals. Some whom have claimed to have been born before in other lifetimes will tell you that they were different then. So an infinite God has infinite creations, born once or infinitely. No two are alike, past, present or future. Case closed.

So imagine yourself being born with all your ancestors cheering you one into this lifetime you now lead....wonderful, huh?


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