A Free Agent:
One who acts on his own behalf.He takes risks, makes his decisions
w/and iron fist. Al look in his
eye is risk alone.All this from
someone who insists, "I knew.."
So did you learn from the movies,
or the honies, this can't be true..
Juliard wouldn't accept someone
like you. Friends are one's we can
count on. I can count, I'm not one,
but that shouldn't matter.
Question: Why so much work with the
grey matter to disappear into the
diaspora? Another, are you my father's
long lost son, or the son's henchmen?
'just the one he never named?
Who is angry at my name? What have I
inherited that you disdain. Hermes,
"depart from me, I never knew you.." (as
Jesus said)
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